Secret to Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections -

Yet more evidence that all you need is water to vastly improve the effectiveness of the National Health Service. So many patients are left water tantalisingly out of their reach.

The trouble is that from an operational point of view the last thing they want is bed bound patients going to the toilet regularly, the irony is that the patient could be sent home earlier getting well more quickly if they practiced patient centered medicine more often.

The results of the recent study in an NHS hospital showed:

20% reduction in time spent in hospital

97% reduction in dehydration

100% reduction in hospital acquired infections

"If these results were repeated across the NHS as a whole it would show a £5 Billion saving and a major increase in patient satisfaction with their care in hospital." say the manufacturers of a new contraption that makes water more accessable to patients in hospital.


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Unknown said…
Yeah I've seen friends in the hospital recently and the only way for them to get water was in a tiny styrofoam cup. Of course, the nurses brought them sugar-filled juice with every meal but that's not nearly as effective as water to help the body heal and flush out toxins.