Processed meat cancer link

BBC News - Processed meat 'linked to pancreatic cancer'

A link between eating processed meat, such as bacon or sausages, and pancreatic cancer has been suggested by researchers in Sweden.

The study, published in the British Journal of Cancer, analysed data from 11 trials and 6,643 patients with pancreatic cancer.

Prof Susanna Larsson, who conducted the study at the Karolinska Institute, told the BBC eating an extra 50g of processed meat, approximately one sausage, every day would increase a person's risk by 19%.Increased risk

It found that eating processed meat increased the risk of pancreatic cancer. The risk increased by 19% for every 50g someone added to their daily diet. Having an extra 100g would increase the risk by 38%.

Eating red and processed meat has already been linked to bowel cancer. As a result the UK government recommended in 2011 that people eat no more than 70g a day.

Leading London Nutrition Expert Yvonne Bishop-Weston said "There is now mounting evidence that eating meat, especially factory farmed processed meat can increase risks of chronic disease. Oxford university has also shown us that eating more than 8 portions of fruit and vegetables can reduce the risks of disease."

"It seems clear that eating less meat and dairy and that eating more fruits and vegetables is a logical inexpensive health insurance step, and that combined with regular exercise sensible advice for anyone who wants to reduce the risks of chronic preventable diseases"
