Nestlé Challenges Drugs Industry / Companies / Food & Beverage - Nestlé to take on drugs industry:

The Financial Times reports;
Nestlé is challenging the global drugs industry with plans to invest 500m Swiss Francs ($510m) over the next decade to support the creation of a standalone health science business to tackle obesity and chronic disease.
The Swiss food group, which announced the move on Monday, appointed Luis Cantarell, one of its most experienced executives, to “pioneer a new industry between food and pharma” that will develop products to combat diabetes, heart problems and Alzheimer’s.

Yvonne Bishop-Weston Nutritionist , London said today "This comes as no surprise to me, it was long overdue and only a matter of time before someone like Nestle spotted a new awareness about the link between nutrition, food, mood and optimal health and started taking on the Pharmaceutical Industry."

"The acid test will be whether Nestle actually come up with a nutritionists dream, some genuinely healthy nutritious products or just more highly processed, nutrient depleted, refined food with an added functional food nutritional ingredient" warned the nutritionist.


sam seo said…
Yeah why we don't be vegetarian.