The commuter diet: Don't starve yourself, just eat | Health & Beauty

The commuter diet: Don't starve yourself, just eat | Health & Beauty

More of the same from "The Food Dr", nutritionist Ian Marber - but it really is that simple. They say that if you tell a truth enough times it becomes a fact, or is a fact becomes a truth.... Whilst the voice of reason is growing louder from nutritionists like Marber and Yvonne Bishop-Weston equally the likes of Dieticians, "Doctors" such as Ben Goldacre desperately cling to Diet Culture with advice that justs leads the general public to be more overweight and getting more ill. Ian leads by example he's not genetically skinny like many of the nutritionists following in his footsteps and is a healthy living proof of the pudding that optimum nutrition works. You'd never think this handsome guy was in his late 60's would you? ;-)


Stephanie said…
I have seen many clients who come to me after Weight Watchers has not worked for them, and have no clue about blood sugar and the CRUCIAL role it plays in health and weight loss. How it's not just what you eat but when you eat, how you eat, sleep, caffeine intake, stress leve....I wish everyone knew this information.

weight loss