Pesticides in your peaches

fruit, peaches, pesticides, organic
Pesticides in your peaches: Tribune and USDA studies find pesticides, some in excess of EPA rules, in the fragrant fruit --

Yet more evidence supporting the logic in extra costs of Organic produce

Preliminary 2008 U.S. Department of Agriculture tests obtained by the Chicago Tribune show that more than 50 pesticide compounds showed up on domestic and imported peaches headed for U.S. stores. Five of the compounds exceeded the limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency, and six of the pesticide compounds present are not approved for use on peaches in the United States.

These are the types of findings that have landed peaches on one environmental group's "Dirty Dozen" list -- 12 fruits and vegetables that retain the highest levels of pesticide residues -- and give many consumers pause as they shop grocery aisles. It seems that peaches' delicate constitutions, fuzzy skins and susceptibility to mold and pests cause them to both need and retain pesticides at impressive rates.

Although some pesticides in peaches were found at levels well below EPA tolerances, some scientists and activists remain concerned about even low-level exposure, especially to pregnant women and children. They point to studies, for example, that show cognitive impairment after dietary exposure to chlorpyfiros, a pesticide that showed up in 17 percent of conventional peaches tested by the USDA.


Lemonade Diet said…
Ewwww. The growing number of toxins, of which pesticides are only one, is yet another good reason to start some kind of detoxifying program. It is virtually impossible in our modern world to completely avoid all toxic substances we could encounter. One of the most effective and popular ones, The Master Cleanse (aka The Lemonade Diet) has been done by hundreds of thousands with great success and you can read about others' experiences on their bulletin board as well.