Meat Free Monday

meat free monday Meat Free Monday - Launch Sir Paul McCartney andhisfamily and over 40 celebrities today celebrate the official meat free lunch launch of Meat Free Monday at Inn the Park in St James's Park today.

Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston says "After many years of helping people to get better in my harley Street and Croydon Nutrition Clinics there's no doubt in my mind that it's not more meat and fish we need in our diets, it's more fruit and vegetables, seeds and their oils that we need in our diets for greater optimal health"

"In the spirit of 5 a Day, Meat Out Mondays will touch more hearts with the general public rather than the present all or nothing ideology that they have to go 100% vegan or not do anything at all"

"In my experience, once you have all the facts, doing something is always better than doing nothing" says Yvonne.


Couldn't agree more!

I like your interesting blog, it motivates me to try and stay healthy :0)