The Sun - Celebrity's faces

The Sun - Celebrity faces

It's a bit of a double edged sword commenting in The Sun (even apart from the dreadful misquotes). It could be the end of a glittering career. However never afraid to tell it like it is and speak her mind London Nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston did it anyway. You're a celebrity and it's your own fault if you are looking haggard you've been obcessively dieting for over 20 years! (more or less)

Totally fearless treading where other nutritionists fear to tread. Read More in The Sun Online

"I'm uncomfortable being referred to as a celebrity nutritionist" said Yvonne Bishop-Weston. "I think it detracts from the day to day business of getting people fit and well. I'd much rather be well known for what I can do rather than who I know"

She is probably right to be wary. One of the problems of being labelled a 'celebrity nutritionist' is the a risk of getting dumped in the quack-box with Gillian Mckieth and Patrick Holford and having 'Dr' Ben 'I have a huge chip on my shoulder' Goldacre trying to piggyback your career.
