World Vegan Day 1st November

Eat more fruit and veg on World Vegan Day Following a statement by UK Food expert Professor Tim Lang, of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, London Nutritionists Foods for Life are urging food manufacturers, supermarkets, schools and journalists to exploit World Vegan Day on November 1st to highlight the benefits of eating more fruit and veg.

The BBC reported Professor Lang’s message that “the healthy eating drive is at risk of failing because the public is getting contradictory messages.”

Top London nutritionist and tutor at The Institute of Optimum Nutrition Yvonne Bishop-Weston agrees “Eating more plant based foods is essential for better health. So many people I see in my London clinics can be helped with simple changes in their diets rather than expensive drugs. Fertility, heart health, cognitive function, digestion and weight management can all usually be improved through rebalancing the body and a healthy optimum nutrition program.”

“World Vegan Day 1st November is the perfect awareness day to unite governments, manufacturers, health professionals, chefs and retailers to encourage higher awareness about plant based solutions to many of the world’s problems” says husband Tony.
