Doctor Recognized for Research on Nutrition and Effect on Chronic Diseases

Dr Walter Willett - Award for Nutrition ResearchDr Walter Willett has probably done more than most scientists to expose the myths and marketing lies about cow's milk that fool people into big waistlines and a host of related illnesses

Doctor Recognized for Research on Nutrition and Effect on Chronic Diseases :: PNNOnline :::
"Walter C. Willett, M.D., Dr. P.H., Chairman of the Department of Nutrition and Fredrick John Stare Professor of Epidemiology and Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, was named winner of the twenty-fifth annual Bristol-Myers Squibb/Mead Johnson Freedom to Discover Award for Distinguished Achievement in Nutrition Research. "

Among his major findings: that alcohol increases the risk of breast cancer and that animal fats can lead to heart attacks. His work has uncovered the benefits of olive oil, peanut butter and other nuts – so-called good fats—and the hazards of refined starches. He found that with the right dietary choices as part of a healthy lifestyle, 82 percent of heart attacks, about 70 percent of strokes, more than 90 percent of type 2 diabetes and more than 70 percent of colon cancer cases could be prevented. He also uncovered significant associations between trans-fats from partially hydrogenated oils and heart disease and between red meat consumption and colon cancer.

Interview With Dr Willett - Dr Walter Willett on Diabetes -
