Skim milk linked to acne among teen girls

Skim milk linked to acne among teen girls - Healthypages news

It may not be the chocolate and pizza that threatens many teenage girls' complexion. Milk -- skim milk, in particular -- may be the more likely culprit in teenage acne, new study findings suggest.

"The message is that milk is a biological fluid, the consumption of which may have effects on consumers beyond its nutrient contents," study author Dr. Clement A. Adebamowo, of Harvard University told Reuters Health.

Those who reported drinking more than three servings of any type of milk each day were 22 percent more likely to report having had severe acne than those who drank only one or fewer servings per week, the researchers report in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Women who consumed two or more daily servings of skim milk, in particular, were 44 percent more likely to say that a physician had diagnosed them with severe acne during their teen years than those who drank one or fewer servings per week.


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