London Nutritionist Challenges BBC Over Use Of Protein In Vegan Diet by Foods For Life London Nutrition - Yvonne Bishop-weston

London Nutritionist Challenges BBC Over Use Of Protein In Vegan Diet by Foods For Life London Nutrition - Yvonne Bishop-Weston

A Harley Street Nutrition expert has challenged a BBC experiment that fed athlete Colin Jackson a vegetarian diet that was lower in protein than neccesary. Jackson complained he lost power but London nutritionists Yvonne Bishop-Weston and Gareth Zeal say it may have been good TV but it wasn't sound science.

Read More - Protein sources in Vegan Diets


Shelby said…
great blog - I mentioned you on my blog today.. take care :)
Eureka said…
Yo yo yo! Nice blog. Not that my opinion is ever taken seriously. I am an evil vacuum afterall...